本校將於 2022年10月15日(星期六)舉行「新生家長參觀學校日」(因為疫情,為了確保幼兒健康,避免人多聚集,當日幼兒無需出席),內容包括 : 學校簡介、參觀校園、特色課程介紹、新生面試貼士和問答時間等,歡迎家長踴躍報名參加,衷心感謝各位家長對本校的支持! 為了控制入校參觀人流,「新生家長參觀學校日」分為六場舉行,每場只限 90 位家長,家長可點擊(https://forms.gle/83mZEtLTcsSRiesk9)報名參加。當某個場次額滿後,系統將會自動隱藏額滿場次(該場次將不再接受報名),敬請家長留意 ! 家長如有任何問題,歡迎致電(Tel:2346-5162) 與本校職員聯絡。


備註 :

1、「新生家長參觀學校日」每位新生只限一位家長蒞校參觀,每位家長只限報名一次。當日請家長 攜帶幼兒出席;

2、敬請各位家長提前15分鐘蒞校,家長進入校園之前,必須探熱及消毒雙手。同時, 家長必須符合「疫苗通行證」接種要求(包括接種第三劑疫苗)及掃描「安心出行」二維碼,方可進入校園,敬請家長合作!


 A 「School Open Day for Parents」 will be held on October 15, 2022 (Saturday) (No attending children for crowd control under the pandemic). It will include: school introduction, campus tour, curriculum features, interview tips for new students, Q&A session, etc. All parents are welcome to sign up via the link: https://forms.gle/83mZEtLTcsSRiesk9. Please be reminded that the Open Day will be held in 6 sessions with maximum 90 parents each for crowd control. The system will automatically hide the fully booked session (no longer accept registration). If parents have any questions, please call (Tel: 2346-5162) to contact the school staff.



  1. Only ONE visiting parent is allowed per each new student on the Open Day, and each parent can only register once. Parents are requested NOT to bring young children;
  2. Parents are kindly requested to come to the school 15 minutes in advance. Before entering the school, parents must undergo body temperature check and sanitize their hands. At the same time, parents must meet the vaccination requirements of the 「Vaccine Pass」 (received third dose of vaccine) and scan the 「Leave Home Safe」 QR code before entering the campus.