

School Vision

Uphold the value of compassion in Buddhism;

Cultivate virtues and wisdom in children.



School Mission

All for Children

Build a learning team and enhance teacher professionalism.

Unleash children’s potential in different aspects through home-school cooperation.


德 育:重視品德禮儀培育,將佛理之慈悲與儒家倫理道德相配合,培養幼兒關愛美德,及建立正確人生價值觀。
健 康:關注幼兒身心健康發展,注重環境安全、飲食衛生及良好習慣培養,提供多元化活動,培育幼兒強健身體及良好情緒。 
智 育:以兒童為本,採取“故事綜合 遊戲學習”教學法,跨學科綜合不同學習範疇及基本能力發展,設計綜合多變遊戲活動,實踐“從做中學”理念,啟發幼兒多元潛能。
美 藝:透過多項美藝活動,激發幼兒好奇及求知探索興趣,豐富幼兒想像力及創作力,提高幼兒欣賞美及陶冶美之情操,為培養廿一世紀創造型人才奠下良基。

School Objectives

Ethics: We focus on the promotion of moral education underpinned by the value of compassion in Buddhism and Confucian moral ethics, with the aim of developing in children the virtues of caring and love as well as positive attitudes towards life. 

Health: Children’s physical and mental health is our key priority. We ensure a safe learning environment where good hygiene practices are maintained and good habits can be imbibed. A diverse range of activities is also provided to support children’s physical health and mental wellbeing.

Intelligence: We place children at the centre of their learning. Through the adoption of the “Story Approach to Integrated Learning” and the “Play-based Approach”, alongside an integrated curriculum that connects different subject areas and caters for the development of children’s basic skills, as well as with a rich variety of integrated activities, we enable children to learn by doing and unleash their multiple intelligences.

Arts: We engage children in a range of arts activities to spark their curiosity, develop in them an exploratory mind, cultivate their imagination and creativity, and enhance their art appreciation, thus laying a foundation for them to become a creative generation in the 21st century.




School Motto

Learning opportunities in every corner and at every moment.

Integrate play into learning and integrate learning into play.



Our Ambition

 “It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man.”

With our loving heart: To care for every sprout and raise them to be kind, healthy seedlings with good qualities.

With our beacon of light: To enlighten every precious mind, stimulate children’s brainpower and ignite their potential.

With our effort: To build strong bridges that form a solid foundation for children’s development.


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Make Every Child Shine

We strive to enhance children’s development in different learning areas.

We equip children with abilities and skills useful throughout their entire life.



We believe …

Children who grow up healthy and happy can have a better tomorrow.