
School-based Curriculum Features


Children are born with a love of stories and the drive to play. Our school-based curriculum is built on children’s interests and is characterised by the “Story Approach to Integrated Learning and Play- based Learning Approach”.

嶄新蛻變的校本特色課程 顯性課程、隱世課程、故事綜合、遊戲學習 兩者結合,構成完整學習生態
An innovative and evolutionary school-based curriculum
Manifest curriculum, Hidden curriculum, Story Approach to Integrated Learning, Play-based Learning A combination of learning approaches for a comprehensive learning experience


本校以故事綜合了六大學習範疇的內容,根據幼、低、高三個班級年齡特點進行螺旋式 排列,讓幼兒循序漸進、逐步提高能力,並潛移默化培養幼兒的良好品德。幼教知名專 家李輝教授帶領本校發展「故事綜合教學法」,更選擇本校為香港首所「故事綜合教學法」實驗幼兒園。

1. Story Approach to Integrated Learning (SAIL)

We adopt stories that integrate the learning content in six key learning areas, and arrange them in spirals according to the developmental characteristics of children at three different levels, K1, K2 and K3, in order to promote children’s development gradually and nurture good qualities in them naturally. The implementation of the SAIL at our school is led by Prof. Li Hui, a well-known researcher in early childhood education. We were also chosen to be Hong Kong’s first experimental kindergarten that adopts the SAIL.


本校引入台灣 CPM「兒童玩具圖書館」等多元智能寶盒,以「手眼腦並用,玩教 學合一」模式,將課本變成好玩的玩具,將學習變成有趣的遊戲。幼兒透過親身操 作,享受學習歷程,實踐「從做中學」的理念。台灣兒童潛能發展專家陳國臨會長帶 領本校教師進行「遊戲學習」,更挑選本校作為香港首所「兒童玩具圖書館」先導幼 兒園。教師更善用空間,在課室內外設置多元化的自選遊戲,提供豐富的低結構物 料,讓幼兒自由探索,愉快學習。過程中,教師因材施教,有效照顧幼兒個別差異, 促進幼兒多元潛能發展。本校獲教育局邀請,向全港業界分享「推行自由遊戲」的成功經驗。

2. Play-based Learning

We have incorporated C.P.M’s “Children’s Toy Library” (literal translation) from Taiwan and multiple intelligences learning boxes into the curriculum, engaging children in hands-on and play-based learning activities to turn learning into something fun and interesting. Through hands-on manipulation, children can enjoy their learning and learn by doing. The “play-based learning” approach is carried out under the lead of Mr. Chen Guo Lin, the founder of C.P.M. We were also chosen to be Hong Kong’s first pioneering kindergarten that uses the “Children’s Toy Library”. We make the most of the space at our school, setting up free-choice activity corners inside and outside of classrooms with a rich variety of minimally-structured materials to enable children to explore their world in their own way and learn happily. Meanwhile, our teachers teach students according to their aptitude, cater for their individual differences and promote their multiple intelligences. We were once invited by the Education Bureau to share with the industry our successful experience in promoting free play at school.


「故事綜合」和「遊戲學習」兩者並用,將顯性課程和隱性課程有效深化,優勢互補,互惠互贏,共同發展,不僅有效提昇教師專業質素,更顯著促進幼兒多元智能及 多種基本能力發展,為孩子一生發展奠下良基。校本特色課程實施多年,成效理想, 深受家長和學生的喜愛,亦屢獲外界好評。我們深知,課程「沒有最好,只有更好」,我們會繼續努力,精益求精,力臻完善!

3. Advantages of adopting both “SAIL” and “Play-based Learning”

The adoption of both approaches is effective in adding depth to the manifest curriculum and hidden curriculum. These two approaches complement each other, offer mutual benefits and promote each other’s development. This not only enhances our teachers’ professionalism but also facilities the development of children’s multiple intelligences and basic skills, laying a solid foundation for their lifelong development. Our school-based curriculum has been implemented for years with satisfactory results. It has earned the support of students and parents and recognition from society. We believe that there is no such thing as the “best” curriculum”, only “better” ones. We will continue striving for excellence and continuous improvement!